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​Kentucky's Tiny Miss, Ages 3-5
Kentucky's Little Miss, Ages 6-7
Kentucky's Petite Miss, Ages 8-9
Kentucky's Young Miss, Ages 10-11 
Kentucky's Junior Miss, Ages 12-14
Kentucky's Teen Miss, Ages 15-18
Kentucky's Miss, Ages 19-24
NEW!  Kentucky's Queen, Married or ages 25 and up single.
Please enter based on your age the day of the pageant.
Contestants may choose to advance up to the next age division.
While unlikely, divisions may be added, combined or split
depending on number of contestants entered. If any age group
has less than 4 contestants entered, those contestants will be moved
to the closest age bracket based on their date of birth.
40%- PRIVATE INTERVIEW: Ability to communicate effectively in interview. Questions will be personality driven. Please wear a nice dress or outfit that reflects your age and personality. No glitzy cocktail, formal or casual attire, please. Time is 2 minutes. Click here for additional sample questions. 
Each contestant is expected to complete a community service project before the pageant. You are allowed to use a recent project that you have already done. Examples are community clean up, food drive, nursing home visits, just to name a few. This will be accounted for on your personal bio sheet and is pass/fail. The purpose of this is to encourage contestants to be servant minded. Simply stated, if you do a project you earn 10 points, if you do not, you earn no points. No partial scores are given for the community service expectation.
Contestants will deliver a personal introduction to include their name, hometown and one fun fact. Please keep intro time to a maximum of 20 seconds. This will be done as the show opener. Opening number attire is the event tee provided with denim jeans. More details on this in the contestant packet. 
40%- EVENING GOWN: The judges will not be scoring the dress itself but will be looking for a complimentary color, style, and fit for the contestant. Contestants will be expected to follow the provided walking pattern but may model as they like at each X.
Optional contests do not affect the overall results of the pageant, but do offer fun ways for each girl to showcase herself and be considered for additional titles!
Academic Achievement- Based on a one page entry form and copy of your most recent report card or transcript. Free to enter.
Community Service- Based on your community service resume and one letter of recommendation. Free to enter.
Photogenic- Single head shot photo. Can be color or black and white. 8X10 size is suggested.
Photogenic Portfolio- Collection of up to 12 photos. Can be a compilation of head shots, full body, action and themed photos.
Blue Jeans and Bling- Any combination of denim and rhinestones/bling! Music is fun and upbeat!
NEW! Fun Fashion Modeling- This category is fun and upbeat! Outfits should be an age appropriate reflection of your style and personality. We are not looking for casual attire, but instead glamorous look that is red carpet ready! Use this as an opportunity to put your walking pattern for your next state or national pageant on the stage. Please note that fun fashion is no longer part of the overall scoring.
NEW! Kentucky's Rising Star Talent Competition- Showcase your performance- dance, instrumental, vocal, acting, monologues and more. 2 minute time limit. This fun title competition is also open to ladies not entered in the pageant. Please click here for full details.
You will receive all the details and links to enter optional contest entry in your welcome packet! 




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